As you can see each major pentatonic scale is also a relative minor pentatonic scale. The two combine to provide a pattern with a root on each string. Meter, scales, and key signatures because the white keys running from c to the next c an octave higher form a sequence of notes that have minor 2nds only between ef the 3rd and 4th notes and bc the 7th and 8th notes, musicians call that series of notes a c major scale. The pentatonic scale, major and minor free piano lessons. Minor pentatonic scale remember the relative minor scale. The minor pentatonic scalewritten by david taub the pentatonic scale is one of the most commonly utilized scales in most music genres all over the world. I will show you the box patterns for all the caged forms later. They are usually the first scales beginner guitarists learn to play. But as interesting as each of these pentatonic scales is by itself, combining them gives you a much deeper palette of colors to work with. Lets take another look at the actual notes of the c major pentatonic scale. In the following lesson, youll learn to play the major and minor pentatonic scale in five positions, all over the guitar fretboard. Scale combining through hybrid scales in this lesson here, we take a look at another way to combine scales that differs from the type of scale combining you see in this lesson here. Combining the pentatonic scale 3 licks with tab pdf.
Guitar scales the pentatonic scale is a favorite of many guitarists and its easy to see why. The 3rd lineneck is in blue, and is labelled minor same as line 2. Above is the a major pentatonic scale shown in 5 positions. Diagrams for all the pentatonic scales below are diagrams for the major and minor pentatonic scales in all 12 keys. Click graphic to play audio deactivate arrows on your keyboard for page navigation with alt k. I have already done several lessons on how to apply the minor pentatonic scale in jazz. This scale is built by putting all of the notesfrom the major pentatonic scaletogether with all of the notes from the blues scale,which we know is just the minor pentatonicplus one extra note. In this article, were going to combine all 5 essential guitar scales into one combined scale shape.
This article and interactive web app help you learn all of the pentatonic scale diagrams. Answers on page 7 a closer look at the major and minor pentatonic scales in the traditional ionian major and aeolian natural minor scales, there exists a tritone augmented 4 th diminished 5 th between the 4 th and 7 th. Intermediate guitar lesson pentatonic scale picking exercises. Minor pentatonic scales all minor scales contain the root 1, minor 3rd b3 and 5th 5, as these intervals make up the minor triad the foundation of all minor chords. Later on we shall take a look at the minor pentatonic. The major pentatonic scale has the 5 notes of the major scale. Download theory supplements, midi files, chord changes and full. In all likelihood, it will also be the scale youll grow most to rely on as a. The am pentatonic scale is a basic scale, but really the building block to playing and understanding other scales and playing lead guitar. As you will learn, these patterns can be transferred to all keys.
Also, once you learn to play this scale, playing guitar modes in the key of c major or any other key, will be that much easier. Now lets combine the notes of the minor pentatonic and major pentatonic scale and create some soloing ideas. Major pentatonic scale pattern 15 for guitar fingering. After you have the basics of how these scales are played, creating your own technique exercises is pretty easy. Pentatonic scales pdf and instructional video guitar. You could play these licks over a iivv blues progression where a7 is the i chord, d7 iv chord and e7 v chord. G major e minor pentatonic scale guitar scales the pentatonic scale is a favorite of many guitarists and its easy to see why. Pentatonic scales particularly lend themselves to digital patterns especially if you use the middle two tones as pedal. After learning these initial exercises, try to expand upon them and make up your own. After all, when mixing major and minor tonality, as we are with these two scales, there is going to be some.
Aug 07, 2015 now lets combine the notes of the minor pentatonic and major pentatonic scale and create some soloing ideas. When we hear the seventh scale degree in the context of a piece of. Its up there with the major and minor as one of the primary scales which will form your basic understanding of the fretboard. There are three ways youll want to learn your major pentatonic scale forms. Listen to mccoy tyner and john coltrane to get an understanding of the types of sounds created through improvising with pentatonic scales. The pdf is for members only, so youll need to login to download it. Penta, is latin for five, much like a pentagram has five sides. The root notes a in these examples are circled so that you can learn their locations. You could play these licks over a iivv blues progression where a7 is the i. The pentatonic scales are a staple of modern rock, blues and pop music. Got books books to read pentatonic scale blues scale guitar chord chart free reading book photography reading online book lovers.
This pdf contains the diagrams for all the major and minor pentatonic scales in all keys for guitar in standard tuning. The two printable pdf download music sheets explore a variety of beginners 1 octave scales with root notes on the e and a strings based on frets 3, 5 and 7. Thats great if you start out with soloing, in fact its better to stay with that for a while to explore all the possibilities and to really be able to improvise with that one shape. This lesson will help you build licks that move smoothly between the two scales, in a blues context but. If it was supposed to show the major pentatonic scale like the other 2 pdf s, i think also that the pattern 5 box is 3 frets too far up the. Combine the pentatonic scales with the caged system to. The minor pentatonic scale of a key can be found and played in the same pattern 3 frets below the major scale. When this is the case, pentatonic scales are a great choice as they are a little more ambiguous than other scales. Note that a minor pentatonic has identical notes with c major pentatonic but in.
The most important of these are both major and minor pentatonic. Each mode has a characteristic note, a note which sets it apart from the other modes. Join pianogroove pro to access all downloads and learning resources. I have also included the 5 box patterns you need to. The most common pentatonic choice for minor chords is. Different pentatonic scales for guitar altered pentatonics. This lesson will help you build licks that move smoothly between the two scales, in a blues context but you can use what you learn in any style. Dec 05, 2009 after learning these initial exercises, try to expand upon them and make up your own. I always thought scales were boring to play, ive had so many guitar teachers over the last two years but noone ever explained to me how to move from one box to the next i was ready to give it all up until now. Free minor pentatonic blues scale chart saras music studio. Major pentatonic scales in open position closed mobile major pentatonic scales forms horizontal. The first, second, third, fifth, and sixth notes of the major scale become the five notes in the major pentatonic scale. These are the four most common scales in pop and rock music.
Minor pentatonic scale in all keys the key to playin in key. I have also included the 5 box patterns you need to learn in order to memorize the scales in all keys. If you put them all together,you end up with something calledthe combined pentatonic scale. Since our weather has been so blue up here, i thought it might be fun to work on our improv skills with minor pentatonic blues scales. The seventh scale degree is a half step away from the tonic. Various positions of the major pentatonic scale pattern 15 for guitars with fingerings on the guitar neck. Normally scales have 7 notes whilst pentatonic scales have 5. The a minor pentatonic comes from the natural minor scale. This scale is transpositional and can be played in, and should be practiced in, all keys.
The minor pentatonic scale uses the 1a, 3c, 4d, 5e, 7g notes of the scale. This lesson comes with 3 diagram pdfs, tablature, and the mp3 jam track so that you can practice everything that you learn. One of the things that the minor pentatonic scale does not do that well is minor 6 th, half diminished and dominant chords. So were finding more and more right hand soundsthat will work over a 12bar blues. The pentatonic scale is use primarily used for soloing. For example, apply the formula to an a major scale and youll get an a minor pentatonic scale, which is acdeg. Assuming that you intended to follow the same pattern on the pdf s of the neck for each position, number 2 has a couple of errors. Two notes per string the pentatonic is an ideal scale for the beginner and experienced pro alike because it only has two notes per string. Learn the major and minor pentatonic scales, their patterns, when to use them, and why theyre the scale. The pentatonic scale is one of the most commonly used scales used in music. You can get more diagrams in the tuning of your choice by using my interactive web app here. Dec, 20 a lot of guitar players use only one pentatonic position shape. The dominant 7th pentatonic translates to the locrian mode min7flat5 if you start the scale on a different note.
Pentatonic scales pdf and instructional video guitar alliance. Learn the pentatonic scale guitar secrets, free online. It tabs out the pentatonic scales in all 12 major and minor keys. The natural minor is the aeolian mode of the relative major scale. The two licks below use notes of both minor and major pentatonic scales. When you are playing a song in the key of a, you can use either scale to create melodies and lead lines. Combining the major scale with the minor pentatonic turning. A lot of guitar players use only one pentatonic position shape. This is due to your internet connection andor your router. You create a minor pentatonic scale by applying a 1b345b7 formula to its parallel major scale. Combine the pentatonic scales with the caged system to play. The pentatonic scale is, to the vast majority of guitarists, the home court of the fretboard. Using minor and major pentatonic together effectively minor and major pentatonic work great together in major keys and can say a lot more than if you were to just use one scale.
On the d7alt i use an fm pentatonic scale and play a line consisting of two quartal arpeggios. Now there is a ocean of online, magazine, and video lessons about how to comp with pentatonic scales. Intermediate guitar lesson pentatonic scale picking. Below is a download link for the pentatonic scale pdf. Major pentatonic scales in open position closed mobile major pentatonic scales forms horizontal scale forms although the scale forms above make it relatively easy to see how the scale relates to the underlying chord, they do not always o. In these 3 licks i hope it will change how you view the pentatonic scale and most of all give you ideas.
Minor pentatonic scales to introduce a novice guitar player to the world of rock music requires that he learn a series of scales, which we can call the tools of the trade. Dan cross is a professional guitarist and former private instructor who has experience teaching and playing various styles of music. The pentatonic scale is a major scale excluding the 4th and 7th degrees. Sitemap guitar scale major pentatonic pattern 15 fingering major pentatonic scale pattern 15 fingering in a major root. The major pentatonic is the basic scale of the music of china and mongolia. Test it out on different wifi sources and see if that fixes. I have quite a few students who are fans of playing the blues.
But as with major, there are pentatonic scales better suited to certain minor chord types, based on the intervals being used. It also works around the minor 6 chord from the dorian mode which is a very sweet sounding pentatonic indeed. The root notes in this case a, are shown by the black dots, the other notes in the scale are shown by the red dots. And now lets run through the notes of the c minor pentatonic scale. Major pentatonic scale the major pentatonic scale shares five notes with the major scale. Label the scale degrees of the major pentatonic scales. Buy guitar chord chart by thornepalmer as a tshirt, classic tshirt, tri blend. Hybrid scales how to combine the major and minor pentatonic. The scales are used often for composing melodies and for improvisation.
The minor pentatonic scale by paul tauterouff the minor pentatonic scale is one of the most commonly scales used in rock, blues, country and jazz music. Pentatonic scales for guitar a pentatonic scale has just 5 notes. Combining the major scale with the minor pentatonic. Using minor and major pentatonic together effectively fretjam. Combining the pentatonic scale 3 licks with tab pdf youtube. This is because they have fewer notes than a regular scale. Combining minor and major pentatonic scales guitarhabits. The pentatonic scale is frequently used in lots of popular music styles. To make learning all these scales easier skip to the next section and memorise the five. These scales are often the first step that we take towards improvising. How to combine the major and minor pentatonic scales.
For this chapter we will be considering minor pentatonic only. The minor pentatonic is probably the scale that a great part of all guitarists learn as a first scale. For your convenience, i have included a pdf of all the pentatonics. There are a total of 430 finger exercises in this book. Language sitemap guitars scales major pentatonic pattern 15 fingerings major pentatonic scale pattern 15 fingerings in a major root. The first position e shape its because its the most comfortable shape to play in. Compare these scales c major pentatonic and a minor pentatonic with the c major and a minor scales, respectively.
The purple dots indicate where both scales overlap. Thats great if you start out with soloing, in fact its better to stay with that for a while to explore all the possibilities. Using minor and major pentatonic together effectively. Lesson combining the pentatonic, blues, and diatonic scales together. Pdf total guitar the ultimate scale book guilherme. Heres a little something that ive been working with in the studio this week. The concept behind using fm over d7alt is covered in this lesson.
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